Transparent privatization of alcohol assets: the Rava-Ruska operating location and alcohol storage is put up at the online auction

On May 14, an online auction will be held for the privatization of separate property of the Rava-Ruska operating location and alcohol storage of the SE «Ukrspyrt», located at: Rava-Ruska city, Zhovkivskyi district, Lviv region.

The object of privatization consists of buildings and structures with a total area of 12,911.3 sq. m, including: administrative buildings, granaries, malt-house, boiler room, alcohol depots, workshop, fuel oil pumping station, etc. The main technological equipment is available, as well as the necessary communications.

The total area of land plots is 13.22 hectares.

The starting price of the asset is UAH 27,721,553.99, and applications for participation in the online auction will be accepted until May 13, 2021.

The privatization of the Rava-Ruska operating location and alcohol storage of the   SE «Ukrspyrt» is taking place within the framework of demonopolization of the alcohol industry, which began in 2020.

In total, the state will put up for privatization 41 operating locations and alcohol storages, which are part of the SE «Ukrspyrt» and another 37 plants, which are united in the concern «Ukrspyrt».

More information on the Rava-Ruska operating location and alcohol storage of the SE «Ukrspyrt» you can find here: https://bit.ly/3sjSMbl

More information on the demonopolization of the alcohol industry you can find here:  https://bit.ly/3rMok9I