SPF Events
The Fund decree from 20.10.2014 No.1373-K has established a working group to identify the individuals that fall under the implementation of criteria of lustration under part 1 of article 3 of the law of Ukraine "About lustration".
Guided by the subparagraph 1, paragraph 2, of Final and transitional provisions of the law of Ukraine "About lustration" and taking into account the protocol from 23.10.2014 No. 1 working group to identify the individuals that fall under the implementation criteria of lustration under part 1 of article 3 of the law of Ukraine "About lustration" by order of the personnel from 24.10.2014 No. 130-R Lushenko Igor Vasilyevich was released from the post of the head of the Regional branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Khmelnitsky region of the grounds stipulated by the Law of Ukraine "About lustration" (p. 72 article 36 of the Labor code of Ukraine).