The State Property Fund created a website for open senior positions in state-owned enterprises

The State Property Fund started testing the "SPFU Human Resources Reserve" automated system, a key tool for effective search of professional candidates for managerial positions in state-owned enterprises. The SPFU's Digital Transformation Office and other department members created the automated system.
From now on, all Ukrainian citizens can access current job openings for managerial positions within companies managed by the Fund at
Anyone can submit a candidate's application form electronically via this system. This provides an opportunity to be included in the SPFU's HR reserve and receive job offers from the Fund based on specified preferences.
The introduction of the new system presents an opportunity to enhance the efficiency and quality of managing Ukraine's state assets while preventing the risk of corruption. Its implementation should facilitate the State Property Fund's recruitment of capable managers to confront contemporary challenges and ensure sustainable development and profits for state-owned enterprises.
"Our commitment to Ukraine is to provide the very best executives. I'm confident that unbiased and transparent candidate recruitment will help our enterprises regain and strengthen their position in the market. Automating the appointment process and providing public access to the information will make corruption impossible. The system is currently in trial mode, but we intend to enhance its capabilities in the future," explained Denys Shuhalii, SPFU's First Deputy Chairman.
For the SPFU, the new system "Human Resource Reserve " will ensure:
- Effective recruitment of candidates. The system allows for a competitive recruitment process, ensuring that only the best candidates with sufficient professional knowledge, experience and leadership skills are included in the talent pool.
- Stability. Having a reserve, the SPFU will be able to quickly find the right candidate for a vacant director position. This will help to avoid interruptions in the operation of the enterprise and ensure their stable functioning.
- Objectivity and transparency. The recruitment of candidates in the system is based on objective criteria, such as professionalism, leadership qualities, management potential, etc. This will ensure a transparent and fair recruitment of candidates without the influence of human factors.
- Process automation. Integrating with state registers enables initial applicant verification without human influence, ensuring impartial recruitment. Automation also facilitates comprehensive candidate recruitment process checks, if needed.