OGHK has resumed the shipment of ilmenite from the Irshan branch to the European market

These are the first ilmenite shipments from the Irshan branch in 2023. Due to the state of war, disrupted logistics, and constant shelling throughout 2022, the accumulated production from previous periods had been stored in the company's warehouses for over a year, hindering the resumption of new ore extraction.
"One of the main tasks set by the State Property Fund for the restructured Board of OGHK is to establish exports and expand the geography of direct supply contracts. By the end of the year, our company plans to ship approximately 105,000 tons of ilmenite concentrate to the European and American markets," says Yegor Perelygin, the first deputy chairman of the board of PJSC "OGHK."
OGHK is a company that the State Property Fund plans to privatize on a large scale in the "first wave." In the near future, together with the advisor company BDO, the Fund is expected to determine the starting price for conducting an open auction through the Prozorro.Sale system.
"Large-scale privatization was unblocked at the legislative level in the summer of this year. In the process of preparing the auction terms, there are several large state-owned enterprises that require significant investments. Thanks to private capital, these enterprises will be able to preserve their potential, acquire new technologies, undergo modernization, and reach a completely different level of development," notes Serhiy Symonov, Deputy Chairman of the State Property Fund.
The company has ambitious plans to become one of the leaders in the titanium industry and remove Russia from the global titanium map.
"We are constantly working and putting forth maximum effort to develop our production and expand the list of potential product buyers. We have qualified personnel and technological potential. We are convinced that through synergy with the introduction of new energy-efficient solutions and technologies, long-term investments, and an increase in the resource base, we will gradually reach a leading position in the international titanium market," adds Dimitri Kalandadze, Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC "OGHK."