The SPFU announces an auction for the privatization of the “Rivne Radio Engineering Plant”. Advantages and opportunities of the object

On March 11, an online auction for the privatization of the state-owned 50 percent + 1 share of the authorized capital of the Public Joint Stock Company “Rivne Radio Engineering Plant” which amounts to 22,423,190 shares, is scheduled. The auction will be held in the electronic trading system Prozorro.Sale with a starting price of UAH 121.55 million, the deadline for submitting bids is March 10.
The property is located at: 25 Danyla Halytskoho Street, Rivne region, Rivne city.
The main type of economic activity according to the CEA is the production of communication equipment.
Public Joint Stock Company “Rivne Radio Engineering Plant” is an excellent brownfield project, as it is located in Rivne, just 4 kilometers from the international highway M 06 "Kyiv-Chop". The property's advantages include a large total area of premises and land plot. Additional advantages of the asset are connection to utilities and the absence of any target restrictions. Therefore, the new owner can consider this facility as a good site for relocation of the already existing production.
PJSC's balance sheet includes 7 real estate properties, including buildings and structures, with a total area of 68,795 m².
The real estate owned by PJSC is located on a land plot with a total area of 11.3 hectares (is communal ownership). The purpose of the land plot is to locate and operate the main, auxiliary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing, machine-building and other industries, which are in municipal ownership. There is a dog kennel on the land plot, which must be demolished pursuant to the decision of the Rivne City Court of Rivne Region.
The company owns a storage facility with a total area of 2,555.5 m², which is not subject to privatization.
The company has debts, including overdue accounts payable of UAH 18,501.3 thousand.
For reference. “Rivne Radio Engineering Plant” was one of the largest enterprises in the region. The Public Joint Stock Company “Rivne Radio Engineering Plant” ceased its business activities in 2013, and has no employees.
More detailed information on the available documents and information on the privatization object, namely: constituent, permitting, organizational, operational, claims, title, labor documents, financial statements, contracts, can be found here:
We invite entrepreneurs to join the auctions to jointly contribute to the economic recovery of Ukraine!
For more information about Rivne Radio Engineering Plant Public Joint Stock Company, please follow the link: