We inform that preparation for the privatization of Dnipro Hotel is completed

The State Property Fund of Ukraine reports that the announcement of the auction for the sale of 100% block of shares of PrJSC DniproHotel can take place in the coming months.
Now it is ending the audit procedureto which the State Property Fund of Ukraine with the support of international donors attracted world famous companies: Cushman & Wakefield (performing feasibility study), BakerMcKenzie(legal due diligence), Delta (technical due diligence), as well as specialists of the Ernst & Young, whohavealreadydeveloped the object’s teaser.
According tothe State Property Fund of Ukraine’s available information, a number of potential investors haverevealed a preliminary interest on participation in the auction for the saleof 100% blockof shares of PrJSC DniproHotel.
The State Property Fund publishes all information onprivatization objects on its official website https://privatization.gov.uaproviding access toprivatization to all comers formaximum transparency and competitiveness of the auction.
Taking into account certain precautions implemented in Ukraine in connection with COVID-19, if you are interested to participate in the auction before the removal of all quarantine restrictions, including the resumption of commercial air traffic, please contact us by e-mail: privatization@spfu.gov.ua
All information on PrJSC DniproHotel is available on: