Auction for sale “Slovianskyi” Hotel will be held on July 3, 2020

 Auction for sale unique tourist object “Slovianskyi” Hotel will be held on July 3, 2020The hotel is located in the city of Novhorod-Siverskyi, Chernihiv oblast, on the picturesque bank of the Desna River and in a proximity close to the Spaso-Preobrazhenskoho Monastery (XI-XII centuries).

Columns, stairs and floor of the hotel are made of marble; 30 rooms are located on an area of 5.000 square meters, as well as a presidential room.

The Slovianskyi Hotel has been operating since 2004 and needs annual co-financing of at least UAH 500,000. Only attracting a competent investor will help to relieve the state of losses and create a high-quality tourist facility”, - said Kostiantyn Koshelenko, Deputy Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine.

That's why, the State Property Fund of Ukraine set the main task as attracting a competent investor who will become an effective owner of the object via a transparent auction and create a popular tourist object with new high-paying jobs. As a result the state will receive tax revenues from hotel' profits instead debts.

Detailed information about this privatization object can be found at the link: https: https://bit.ly/2XNa5Fx