Privatization of the Plant “Radiorele” is a unique opportunity to invest profitably in a company with high potential

On July 13, 2020 the State Property Fund of Ukraine held a press tour to the Plant “Radiorele” to provide the public and potential investors with full information on the status of this privatization asset.
During the press tour, Deputy Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Kostiantyn Koshelenko held a press conference for media representatives, as well as a tour of all premises of the plant.
The Plant "Radiorele" is located in Kharkiv and is one of the largest enterprises in Ukraine and neighboring countries, is specializing in the manufacture of power distribution and control equipment.
The total area of all buildings and structures of the enterprise is 49,027.2 sq.m, and the land area of 4.096 hectares is in permanent use.
However, due to inefficient management for many years and the lack of an effective development strategy, the plant is in a state of recession and it is necessary to take decisive action on the part of the future owner to improve the situation.
Investments in the modernization of the Plant "Radiorele", the implementation of a strategic development plan and effective management will create a competitive and profitable enterprise for the future owner, which will be determined on July 21 at a transparent auction.
Information on the Plant "Radiorele" at the link