Dmytro Sennychenko: Effective and qualitative work is our priority for restoring confidence to state institutions

On August 13, 2020, was conducted the enlarged meeting chaired by the Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Dmytro Sennychenko with regional offices chairmen.

The theme of the meeting was setting up qualitative cooperation between Central Office and regional branches to effectively discharge assigned tasks in field of privatization, lease, corporate governance, evaluation.  

According to Dmytro Sennychenko, the main mission in implementation a state policy is restoring confidence of people through creation clear and logical instruments.

 “We are conduct transparent and fair privatization and creating logical lease and evaluation process. In this way we restore trust to the state institutions and attract investments into Ukrainian economy. It is very important to be client oriented. Our clients are citizens, because every Ukrainian might be an investor”, – Dmytro Sennychenko said.   

During the meeting, the Deputy Head of the Fund Konstiantyn Koshelenko noted the importance of coordinated cooperation between the Central Office and regional offices, especially in setting communication with local authorities and major stakeholders to attract investment.

"An important component of the regional offices as the Fund's ambassadors in the field is working with key stakeholders: entrepreneurs, associations, businesses, local authorities - in order to attract as many potential investors to transparent privatization auctions and get results in attracting investment." , - Konstiantyn Koshelenko explained.

During the meeting the Deputy Head of the Fund Yulya Byelova was speaking about the structural reform, the work on which is being carried out by the Central Office of the Fund and should be implemented on the ground by the Regional Offices.

"Reform of the staff structure is an opportunity to increase productivity and make informed personnel decisions. We expect that this process will be completed by September 1, 2020, and the regional offices will thus strengthen their own institutional capacity ", - Yuliya Byelova said.

Responsible for privatization direction the Deputy Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Taras Yeleiko spoke about the Manual of Instructions and Legal Documents on Privatization developed by the Fund, which regulate the process of preparation objects to privatization.

"The Manual on Instructions and Legal Documents on Privatization for preparing facilities to privatization has been released. These instructions are as clear and detailed as possible. In this way, all regional offices will have the same templates of all documents and will apply common approaches in their work. It will not be the case that a company director or an official will know more about privatization objects than a potential investor.  Everything we know must be disclosed, and the Fund will closely monitor it”, - Taras Yeleiko said.