Competitive alcohol market is continuing develop: Voyutychi operating location was privatized at an auction

On December 17, 2020, Voyutychi operating location and alcohol storage from the list of SOE Ukrspyrt’s facilities was sold at the auction with a winning bid of UAH 48,000,100.
This is 14th alcohol facility for which the Fund has found the owner at the transparent online auction.
3 participants competed for this privatization object at an open auction, they increased the price from the starting one by 1.5 times - from UAH 32 million to over UAH 48 million.
Voyutychi operating location is located 80 km from Lviv. His new owner received workshop for bottling, production of kvass wort concentrate and polymalt extract, building of a water pumping station, brewing and yeast fermentation department and other.
The winner of the auction must now sign a protocol on the results of the auction, conclude a sales contract and make a settlement. After this, the privatization process of the Voyutychi operating location will be considered officially completed.