Privatization of separate property of Myshkovychi Operating Location: the price has increased more than 10 times

On December 28, an auction was held for the privatization of separate property of the Myshkovychi Operating Location and Alcohol Storage of the State Enterprise "Ukrspyrt" (base of material and technical supply), as a result of which the budget should receive almost UAH 13 million.
Five bidders competed for the ownership of the asset during the auction, which increased the price more than ten times - from the starting UAH 1,212,128 to UAH 12,882,300.
Privatized property, which includes the building of the base of the Motor Transport Enterprise, fuel oil pumping station, boiler house and vehicles and equipment (buildings and equipment) is located in Terebovlya district of Ternopil region. The total area of buildings and structures is 2305.1 m2, the area of land under the property - 2.86 hectares.
The winner of the online auction, who offered the highest bid during the open bidding, after signing the auction protocol, the contract of sale and payment, will receive ownership of the object.