PrJSC "Ukrzakhidvuglebud" is put up for a transparent privatization auction

PrJSC “Ukrzakhidvuglebud” is put up for a transparent privatization auction
A transparent online auction for the privatization of PrJSC “Ukrzakhidvuglebud”, the only enterprise in Ukraine engaged in the construction of mines will be held on January 25, 2021.
PrJSC “Ukrzakhidvuglebud” is located in the Chervonohrad town, Lviv region and now acts as a general contractor for the construction of mine №10 “Novovolynska”.
In addition to its main activity, the company specializes in the construction and repair of facilities and communications for industrial, residential and other purposes, construction and repair of roads, transportation services.
The company owns 15,726.8 sq.m., of buildings and structures located on land plots with an area of 8.99 ha in both Chervonohrad and Shatsk town, Volyn region, to service the recreation center.
The starting price is UAH 11.15 million, and applications for participation in the online auction will be accepted until January 24, 2021.
More detailed information about this asset can be found at the link.