A transparent auction for the privatization of a health camp will be held on the coast of the Sea of Azov

On February 26, 2021 will be held an online auction for the privatization of social-cultural facilities - health camp “Lazurnyi”, located on the coast of the Sea of Azov in the Yurievka village, Mangush district, Donetsk region. This is a resort village with more than ten childcare’s health camps and many recreation centers.
The privatization object consists of 67 units of fixed assets, including buildings and structures with a total area of 5,705 sq. m. The area of land plots is 4.7612 hectares.
The institution is currently out of order and, according to the terms of privatization, must resume operations and maintain its profile.
The starting price for the asset is UAH 10,475,350. You can apply for participation in the online auction until February 25.
For more information on the health camp “Lazurnyi” follow the link: https://bit.ly/3bdMd3D