Transparent privatization of the Expert and Technical Center of the State Service for Labor will take place in Ivano-Frankivsk

On March 11, 2021, an online auction on the privatization of the property complex of SOE "Karpatskyi Expert and Technical Center of the State Service for Labor", located at 15, Maksymovycha Street, in Ivano-Frankivsk, will take place.
The main activity in accordance with the Charter is technical testing and research.
Among other types are activities in the field of engineering, geology and geodesy, the provision of technical consulting services in these areas, research and experimental development in the field of other natural and technical sciences.
The enterprise owns buildings and constructions with the total area of 1265.6 sq. m, the amount of land plots – 0.1007 ha.
Potential investors are offered an already operating business with a customer base and experience in the market.
The starting price of the property complex of SOE "Karpatskyi Expert and Technical Center of the State Service for Labor" is UAH 7,673,000, and the acceptance of applications for participation in the online auction will last until March 10, 2021.
It should be reminded that the State Property Fund of Ukraine has launched a separate special project as part of the privatization of 23 expert and technical centers of the State Service for Labor of Ukraine.
Expertise and Technical Centers of the State Services for Labor are operating enterprises that provide scientific and technical support to state supervision in the field of labor protection, occupational health, industrial safety and compliance with labor legislation, provide expert assessment of industrial safety, technology and high-risk objects, as well as obtain a proven competence for inspection activities in the field of labor protection.
For more detailed information on the property complex of SOE "Karpatskyi Expert and Technical Center of the State Service for Labor", please follow the link:
For more detailed information on the project on privatization of 23 expert and technical centers of the State Service for Labor of Ukraine, please follow the link: