Unfinished construction of the Malt division in Khmelnytsky region will be auctioned

On March 10, 2021, an e-auction will be held to privatize unfinished construction of the Malt division in the village of Dovzhok, Kamianets-Podilskyi district, Khmelnytsky region.
The asset is located close to the Dovzhok place of activity and storage of alcohol of SE "Ukrspyrt", which was privatized at a transparent online auction in December 2020.
The object is a complex of special purpose buildings, the level of construction readiness of which is 79%.
Foundation - reinforced concrete blocks, walls - brick, partially plastered, lined, partitions - brick, partially plastered, lined, floors - reinforced concrete slabs, floor – concrete, roof is in coincidence with the floor. Engineering equipment - partially electrified.
The total area of land plots is 3.2727 hectares.
The starting price for the asset is UAH 3,487,283, and applications for participation in the auction will be accepted until March 9.
Potential investors can familiarize themselves with the object at a convenient time, as well as find the necessary documentation in the virtual data room on the site privatization.gov.ua.