The State Property Fund has achieved the return of berths and breakwaters of the State Enterprise "Black Sea Yacht Club" for further lease

On March 12, 2021, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine decided to transfer from the balance of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) to the management of the State Property Fund hydraulic structures, which were previously transferred to USPA from the balance of the State Enterprise "Black Sea Yacht Club" in preparation for privatization.

This decision was made by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in response to repeated appeals from the State Property Fund.

"The State Property Fund welcomes the decision of colleagues from the Ministry of Infrastructureof Ukraine, as it is the first step in implementing the strategy developed by the Fund to preserve the Black Sea Yacht Club's profile and attract the necessary investments through its mechanism for long-term lease," said the First Deputy Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Leonid Antonienko.

In order for the SE "Black Sea Yacht Club" to be interesting for potential tenants, it was necessary to return all berths to the yacht club.

As previously reported, in 2019 was made a decision to privatize the SE "Black Sea Yacht Club". At the same time, all hydraulic structures on its balance sheet, namely berths and breakwaters, were transferred to the balance of USPA in preparation for the privatization of the club.

In 2020, the State Property Fund of Ukraine, as a governing body, canceled the privatization of the SE "Black Sea Yacht Club" and decided to start the procedure of finding a tenant for long-term lease of the club while maintaining the purpose of the sports facility.

During this period, the yacht club continued its work, but now had to pay monthly more than 30 thousand hryvnia USPA for hydraulic structures, which until recently belonged to him. It is important to understand that without hydraulic structures the yacht club cannot function in its main area of activity. Since the beginning of 2021, the cost of renting hydraulic structures for the yacht club has been raised more than 4 times - up to 120 thousand UAH.

After the implementation of the decision of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine on the return of hydraulic structures under the management of the Fund, Yacht Club will use these structures free of charge. This is more than a million UAH annually, which will be used for the development of sports. In addition, these savings will increase the amount of rent that the investor will pay to the state budget based on the results of the lease auction.

To attention.

The SE "Black Sea Yacht Club" - the only location in Ukraine where it is possible to train National and Olympic teams in sailing on the high seas.

On the basis of the yacht club there are 2 children's and youth sports schools in sailing, in which more than 150 boys and girls are engaged, as well as more than 100 professional yachtsmen are engaged in sailing.

In 2021, the Black Sea Yacht Club plans to hold the Championship of Ukraine, the Championship of Class Associations, the Cup of the Commander of the Ukrainian Navy, the Snake Cup and others. But the real achievement is the European Sailing Championship, which will take place in October this year. Sailing competitions of this level have never been held in Ukraine before.