Due to efforts of the State Property Fund, all information on the mineral reserves of the Enterprise “United Mining and Chemical Company” was disclosed for the first time.

During the preparation for the privatization of the JSC «United Mining and Chemical Company», for the first time, restrictions on access to geological information on all mineral reserves developed by the JSC «UMCC» were lifted. All information in full is freely available to any potential investor and placed in a virtual data room.
Published documents contain detailed information on the balance reserves of ilmenite, rutile and zircon.
The current production activity for the extraction of these minerals allows JSC “UMCC” to occupy the following shares in the world market: ilmenite - 2.3%, rutile - 6.2%, zircon - 1.4%.
Thus, JSC «UMCC» is a leader in Europe and is included in the World’s TOP-10 list for the extraction of titanium and zircon ores. UMCC produces over 350,000 tons of titanium ore and zircon concentrates of the highest quality, which are exported to 35 countries.
Information on minerals is one of the key factors that affects the investment attractiveness of the company and will determine the level of competition in the privatization auction.
If you want to get acquainted with this information, you can do so by sending an electronic request to privatization@spfu.gov.ua. A link will be sent to the requester’s e-mail to enter the document data room.