The price of Marylivske operating location and alcohol storage at the auction increased to UAH 150 million

On September 20, a privatization online auction was held for the sale of separate property of the Marylivske place of operating location and alcohol storage of the SOE "Ukrspyrt", located in the Ternopil region.
The winning bid was UAH 150.001 million. Four participants competed for the right to purchase at transparent auction. During the auction, the sale price increased almost 3 times – from UAH 54 324 111 starting price.
The enterprise was founded in 1921, and was last modernized in 2018. It has basic technological equipment, all necessary communications are connected. Currently, the facility has temporarily suspended its specialized activity – the production of rectified and denatured ethyl alcohol.
After signing the sale agreement, the new owner will receive the asset, which includes production premises and equipment, a grain warehouse and 12 vehicles.
He will also need to pay funds in the amount of the initial cost of the object to the accounts of SOE "Ukrspyrt" to repay the enterprises debts.
"Ukrainian business proves its tenacity and courage. Today, Ukrainian entrepreneurs are warriors of the economic front. I am grateful to them for their willingness to act, restore the country, and give people jobs. Each acquired enterprise is ammunition for our army," stressed the Chairman of the State Property Fund, Rustem Umerov.
He also appealed to investors to participate in the next privatization auctions and to familiarize with privatization announcements on the website.