Privatization auction of Vuzlivskyi alcohol asset SOE “Ukrspyrt” is designated on October 11

On September 11, 2022 privatization online auction of separate property of Vuzlivskyi place of activity and alcohol storage of SOE “Ukrspyrt”, that is located in Chervonohrad district of Lviv region.
Starting price – UAH 23.6 million, the guarantee fee for participation is UAH 4.7 million from starting price.
Total area of the five land plots, where the object is located is 12.7 ha. The asset includes 24 objects of real estate, total area of which is 11 959 sq. m, 31 vehicles and 516 units of equipment for carrying activities out.
Last time the asset was modernized was 2019 and was provided with all the necessary technological equipment and communications for the production of products.
The asset is located at the addresses: 7, Shevchenka St., Vuzlove village, Chervonohrad district, Lviv region and 6, Halytska St., Radekhiv town.
In accordance with the terms of privatization, the new owner is obliged to pay funds in the amount of the book value of the asset to the accounts of SE "Ukrspyrt" to repay the enterprise's debts, including the payment of wage arrears.
Detailed information about the object at the link:
Take part in the auction –
As previously reported, in accordance with legislative changes, the signing of purchase and sale agreement based on the results of privatization auctions will take place only after payment by the winning bidders.