The State Property Fund earned record-breaking amount of revenues for the state budget over the past decade

For the first quarter of 2023, the state budget of Ukraine received UAH 902 million from privatization. This is the best indicator of the effectiveness of work the SPFU over the past decade.
On average, for the first quarter during the last ten years, the lease of state property brought UAH 234 million.
«Our goal is fair and transparent privatization with maximum competition at auctions. The result for the first quarter shows that businesses are interested in investing in state assets. So now, we are working to resume large-scale privatization soon», – Chairman of the SPFU Rustem Umerov said.
In the first quarter of 2023, the SPFU put logistic, trade, warehouse, alcohol assets, etc. up for auction. In particular, for the first time the SPFU successfully held a privatization online auction of the seaport in Ukraine. Bidding on the Sea Trade Port of Ust-Dunaisk brought more than UAH 200 million to the budget.
Investors were also interested in alcohol assets. For example, during the auctions for the sale of the Storonybabskyi distillery, its value increased 2.7 times to UAH 142 million. In addition, the privatization of the Property Complex of «Bar Alcohol Plant» brought UAH 21.3 million to the state budget – which is 4.7 times more than the starting price.