Transparency and openness. SPFU Statement on Allegations of Supplying Titanium Raw Materials to rf

On August 7, a Ukrainian media outlet reported that "Ukraine is selling titanium raw materials to russia for the production of aircraft and missiles during the war," accusing the state-owned United Mining and Chemical Company of supplying raw materials to the aggressor country.
The information mentioned in the text does not correspond to reality and does not contain any sources of information, and the representatives of the publication did not ask the company or the State Property Fund for a comment when preparing the material.
UMCC does not cooperate with the aggressor state, and the company's products are not supplied to russia or belarus.
Since the fall of 2022, the company has tightened controls on export procedures and changed its approach to work with customers.
The company's management closely cooperates with law enforcement bodies: information about all supply chains, end users, and product use is monitored by UMCC employees and law enforcement officials.
Similarly, the export of ilmenite concentrate to the end user is only carried out in the company of authorized representatives of law enforcement bodies.
Such coordination of efforts ensures that raw materials do not reach the aggressor country.
The author of the article mentions UMCC's cooperation with SIC LUCEAT LUX KFT (Hungary) and BioProfTech Sp. z o.o. (Poland).
However, the former company stopped cooperating with the aggressor country since the beginning of the large-scale invasion.
The latter company purchased ilmenite concentrate from the UMCC for an end-user in the United States, which was confirmed by all necessary documentation.
The article also mentions another state-owned enterprise, the Zaporizhzhya Titanium-Magnesium Plant, but with the use of manipulative information technology. In most cases, the companies mentioned in the article purchased test batches of raw materials for end-users in the U.S., India, and Poland.
The allegations that UMCC and Zaporizhzhya Titanium-Magnesium Plant are supplying their products to russia are unfounded.
We want to reiterate that the adversary is still engaged in an active information war. Carefully verify the information you receive and rely solely on official sources for news.
The SPFU follows the principles of openness and transparency. Media representatives can contact the SPFU press service for additional information.