“Kryvorizhstal” received almost $870 mln. of investment after the privatization

Since the privatization of the JSC “Kryviy Rig mountain-metallurgical plant “Kryvorizhstal” the enterprise has received $876,6 mln of investment. It as almost $370 mln. more than provided by the purchase-sale agreement ($500 mln). The mentioned investment program allowed to drastically upgrade the production capacity of the enterprise.
Besides, following the terms of the agreement, the average wage level at the enterprise should not be less than the amount provisioned by the minimal industry standard of wage for employee, working in main workshops of metallurgical production, and monthly indexation with respect to inflation processes in compliance with current legislation of Ukraine, is provisioned. Thus, average wage at the enterprise in 2015 was 6,55 thousand UAH, which is one of the best indicators in metallurgical industry.