Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Donetsk region has announced competitions for appraisers

The Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Donetsk region has announced competitions for selection appraisers, which will be involved into the independent valuation of the objects of leasing:

- a box of 1,031.9 sq. m. at: 101 Enerhetykiv str., Svitlodarsk town, Bakhmut district;

- a part of the premises of 6.0 sq. m. on the 1st floor of the corps of the Donbaskyi State Pedagogical University at: 19 Batiuka str., Sloviansk city;

- premises with an area of 98.7 sq. m. at the basement floor of the main educational corps of the Donbaskyi State Pedagogical University at: 19 Batiuka str., Sloviansk city;

- parts of the premises of 74.8 sq. m. on the 1st floor of the building at: 21 Haharina str., Volnovakha town.

All competition documentation should be sent until 2 p.m. on June 27, 2019 at the Regional Office.

A competition will be held on July 4, 2019.

More detailed information is available in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated of June 19, 2019, No.25.