In January Donetsk regional office received almost 23 million UAH from the lease

A target for Donetsk  regional office of SPFU in 2018 -lease payments to the State Budget at the level of 77.300 million UAH.

According to the State Treasury of Ukraine, for the period from 01.01.2018 to 31.01.2018, the State Budget of Ukraine received funds from the lease of state property at the level of 22.871 million UAH or 29.59% of the plan.

During January 2018, the Regional office concluded 12 contracts ofreal estate property lease, amongwhich9 lease agreements were concluded for the purpose of placement of budget institutions at application of the rental rate for the use of real estate propertyin the amount of 1 UAH per year.

The total area of leased ​​real estateproperty is 7840,05 square meters, the amount of monthly rent is - 4291,19 UAH.