The State Property Fund will set out for sale 3 energy companies and 13 other enterprises

At the beginning of December, the State Property Fund of Ukraine will set out the blocking blocks of shares of Donbasenergo, Sumyoblenergo, Odesaoblenergo and 13 other companies on stock trading.

The Head of the State Property Fund Vitalii Trubarov announced this on his Facebook page.

According to him, in the beginning of December the Fund will set out 25 percent of shares of Sumyoblenergo, Odesaoblenergo and Donbasenergo. "By the end of the month we will have conducted an assessment and already in the first decade of December we will have set out for auction," - said Vitalii Trubarov.

The Head of the State Property Fund also informed that by the end of the year, “Ukrnafteproduct”, “Ukrhudozprom”, “Belotserkovsk Plant of Rubber Technical Products”, “Scientific and Production Enterprise “Systema”, “Stebnitsky Mining and Chemical Enterprise “Polymineral”, Ternopil Association "Teksterno", "Industrial Glass Company" and other objects of privatization.

Vitalii Trubarov also noted that at the final stage there is a list of more than 30 enterprise of small privatization that would be sold through ProZorro. Sale.