Chief of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Vitalii Trubarov: pre-privatization inventory ended on OPP

"Today, we held a workshop at the plant in order to sum up the next stage of this training - completing of thetotal inventory of the company," said VitaliiTrubarov, the chiefof the State Property Fund, at thebriefing at the Odessa port plant.
He stressed that inventory is necessary for the transition to the next stage of the preparation of OPPfor privatization - assessment.
"The inventory materials will be transferred to the appraiser, and after obtaining its results, the working group will begin to form the terms of the tender for the sale of statestakes of OPP," said VitaliiTrubarov. The sale of OPPis planned for the period of February-April of the next year.
"Asto the debts of the company in accordance with the decision of the Stockholm court, then, under a cassation appeal of the Fund, the High Specialized Court suspended the execution of the decision of the district court, which allowed these debts to be levied. At the Cabinet of Ministers level, we are currently looking for opportunities to resolve the issue of debt. Or we break these debts, or somehow take into account in the framework of privatization of the enterprise ", - he said.
He also added that privatization is now considered an investment process. " Earlier privatization was viewed banally narrowly - sale and transfer of funds to the budget. And today there is an understanding that with the privatization of enterprises there are new investments and, as a result, increases GDP, and we all count onit, "- he stressed.