The Chief of the State Property Fund Vitalii Trubarov will take part in the meeting of the Economic Committee of the Verkhovna Rada

September 20, 2017 Acting Chairman of the State Property Fund Vitalii Trubarov will take part in the meeting of the Committee on Economic Policy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Beginning - at 15.30. Place of the meeting - street. V. Zhytomyrska, 11.
The Committee invited the Chief of the Fund to its meeting, as it plans to consider the draft Law of Ukraine "On the privatization of state property" (reg. No 7066 dated 04.09.2017).
The State Property Fund has developed a draft privatization law with the purpose of substantially simplifying privatization procedures, reducing its terms, and increasing guarantees for investors by the state. In the opinion of the State Property Fund, the new law will accelerate privatization in Ukraine and lead to an improvement of the investment climate, which means that it will increase investments in the economy of our country.
Recall that according to the calculations of the State Property Fund for 26 years, the Fund has invested more than UAH 120 billion UAH in Ukrainian economy from its business activities: privatization and leasing, as well as inflow of investments into privatized enterprises and dividends on corporate rights of the state.
Presentation "SPFU: 26 Years of Activity - 26 Years of Investing in the Economy of Ukraine"
und indicates that such a procedure for the transfer of state and communal property to the lease will be for both single property complexes and for certain objects of immovable and movable property.
"The difference will be only that the list of the SPC will be approved by the Government and will separately develop the investment obligations and terms of lease," notified Vitalii Trubarov.
Vitalii Trubarov also informed that currently there are more than 19 thousand valid lease agreements, the profit of which as of August amounted to almost 673 million UAH. "By the end of the year, this figure will be more than 1 billion UAH," summed up the Chief of the State Property Fund.