Lviv Regional Office sells the hotel-type hostel in Zhovkivsk district for dismantlement

SPFU Lviv Regional Office announced the sale by e-auction the unfinished construction object: a hostel of a hotel type for 110 seats with a dining room for 75 seats. Address of the object: 31, Martovicha Street, Mageriv Township, Zhovkivskyi district, Lviv region.
Initial price is 76, 146 thousand UAH.
The buyer is obliged to completely disassemble the object and bring the land plot to proper condition.
The deadline for applications for participation in auctions is October 09, 2017.
The e-auction will be held by the Commodity Exchange "Ukrainian Interregional Specialized" on 13.10.2017 at 11 p.m.
Additional information is available at the Commodity Exchange "Ukrainian Interregional Specialized" (02071, Kyiv, 2A Konstantynivska Street, tel. (044) 337-23-61, 337-23-62) and in the SPFU Lviv Regional Office ( Lviv, 3, Sichovykh Striltsiv Street, tel. (032) 255-38-55).
Information about the object and terms of participation in the auction was published in the newspaper "Vidomosti pryvatyzatsii" dated 11.09.2017, No. 71.