Unfinished house and shops are sold in Poltava region

Poltavaregional office announced an e-Auction on sell following facilities:
1. Unfinished one-storey four-room residential house with an auxiliary household at the address: Abazivka village, 15 Stepna Street, an initial price is UAH 28.56 thousand.
2. A building of the shop with an area of 81,5 m2 at the address: Kohanivka village, Chutivsky district, 5 Centralna Street, an initial price is UAH 27.24 thousand.
3. A building of the shop with an area of 84,2 m2 at the address: Hlobyne town, 1/17 Lobanovskogo Street, an initial price is UAH 60.84 thousand.
An e-Auction will be held by the Commodity Exchange “Ukrainian Interregional Specialized” (https://umstrade.com.ua.)at 10.30 on December 1, 2017.
Applications for participation in the auction are submitted electronically to the Commodity Exchange “Ukrainian Interregional Specialized” (04071, Kyiv city, 2A Konstantynivska Street, tel. +38 (044)337-23-562 (044)337-23-61,e-mail: torgi@uisce.com.ua.)until 16:00 on November 27, 2017.
Additional information in Poltava regional office (1/23 Nebesnoi Sotni Street, Poltavacity, rooms 409, 418), tel. +38 (05322) 56-35-55, 2-24-86.