It is necessary to evaluate non-residential premises in the Volyn region

RV SPFU in the Volyn region announces a tender for the selection of appraisers, who will be involved in an independent valuation of property, namely:
1. Part of the premises / agro chemistry laboratory, 30.7 sq. m., 49 Glushets Str., Lutsk City.
2. Part of the store - bar "Dibrova" 69.3 sq.m., 2a Yaroshchuka Str., Serekhovychi village, Starovyzhivskyi district.
3. A part of the bar "Dibrova" 30.5 sq.m., 39 Hrushevskoho Str., Smidin village, Starovyzhivskyi district.
The assessment is carried out to determine the market value of the object for calculating the rent amount for the extension (№№2,3) and the conclusion (№1) of the lease agreement.
The tender documentation must be submitted to the Region Office: room 807, 9 Kyivskyi Maidan, Lutsk City.
The competition will be held on 13.02.2018 at 10.00 in the Region Office, tel. (0332) 24-34-77. The information is available in the newspaper "Vidomosti pryvatyzatsii" №9 dated January 29, 2018.