Volyn Regional Office announced the competition of appraisers

Volyn regional office announced the competition of appraisers to conduct independent evaluation following facilities:
1. A part of administration building of 11.5 sq. m at the address: 29 100th anniversary of Manevich Street, Manevychi small town.
2. A part of administration building premise of 2.0 sq. m at the address: 4 Kyivsky Maidan, Lutsk city.
3. A part of administration building of 17.6 sq. m at the address: 23 Hrushevskogo Street, Ivanychi small town.
4. The group of inventory objects consisting of a storage room including a boiler room with a chimney pipe with a total area of 1211.3 sq. m, pump station of 7.9 sq. m, control centre of 303.4 sq. m at the address: 7 Viyskova Street, Horodylets village, Turiysk district.
5. A part of administration building premise of 11.0 sq. m at the address: 22 Oleny Hohol Street, Volodymyr-Volynskyi town.
The tender documentation is to be submitted by October 27, 2017 at the Volyn regional office (Lutsk city, 9 Kyivsky Maidan, room 807).