Zhytomyr RO sells at the e-auction unfinished building

Zhytomyr RO sells unfinished bath and laundry complex in Ivnyvtsia village of Andrushivsky district, street Sadova, 32
The OUB is located in the middle part of the village and consists of a bath and laundry complex - a two-story brick building with a basement with a total area of 918,8 sq. m., a one-story brick building with a total area of 47,8 sq. m. and a fire tanks - there are only remnants of reinforced concrete constructures. There are no engineering networks, the level of construction readiness is 66%.
The initial price is 133,39 thousand UAH.
Applications are accepted until 18.00 on December 11, 2017.
The auction will be held electronically by the Ukrainian Universal Exchange at 11.00 on December 15, 2017.
Additional information is available at RO (Zhytomyr city, 20, Svyatoslav Rihter str., room 402), tel. +38 (0412) 420-41 and on the Ukrainian Universal Exchange (52, Shevchenko str., Poltava city, tel. +38 (0532 ) 56-00-37).