Zhytomyr Regional Office of the SPFU offers a room for hairdressing salon and trade

- a room of 76.7 sq. m on the first floor of the building: 6 a Stsyborskoho Str., Zhytomyr City (for the provision of printing services);
- part of the premises is 6,0 sq. m of the lobby of the educational building: 7 Staryi Bulvar, Zhytomyr (for the organization of trade in food products);
- room of 14.7 sq. m on the 1st floor of the building: 2a 9 th Sichnia Str., Radomyshl Town (for hairdressing salon);
- garage of 24.5 sq. m at the address: 16 Shevchenka Str., Novgorod-Volynskyi Town (for storage of the car).
The term for accepting applications for lease is from April 12, 2018 to April 25, 2018, inclusive.
For more information, please call tel. 22-64-72. Detailed information is available in the newspaper "Vidomosti pryvatyzatsii" dated April 11, 2018, No. 29-30.