Zhytomyr Regional Office offers the premises for lease in Zhytomyr city and Ovruch town

The Regional Office in Zhytomyr oblast offers to lease following facilities:
- a premise of canteen in building of a housing corps of 173.9 sq. m. in Ovruch town, 11 Shevchenka str.;
- a premise on the ground floor of building workshops of 216.9 sq. m. in Zhytomyr city, 132 Koroliova str.;
- a part of premise on the ground floor of educational corps of 3.0 sq. m. in Zhytomyr city, 39 Koroliova str.;
- a part of premise on the ground floor of educational corps of 3.0 sq. m. in Zhytomyr city, 55 Pushkinska str.
Lease applications are accepted at the Regional office up to 14.11.2018 inclusive.
Additional information by the phone: +38 (0532) 22 64 72 and in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated of 31.10.2018 No. 88.