Zhytomyr Regional Office offer to lease the premises, hydro technical construction and shelter

- Hydro technical construction of water-supplying pond “Bilka-1” on the territory of Radomyshl town territorial community and Bila Krynytsia village council of Radomyshl district.
- Premise of 145.42 sq m on the third floor of building, 8, Natalii Orzhevskoi str., Novograd-Volynskyi town.
- Premise of 30.0 sq m in shop building, 6-A, Myru str., Novohuivynske small town, Zhytomyr district.
- Premise of 102.8 sq m, 132, Heroiv Maidanu str., Chudniv town.
Submission of lease applications is from 14.08.2018 till 28.08.2018 inclusive.
The RO announced the competition for the right to lease state real estate - a protective civil defense facilities – a warehouse, 10, Peremohy Maidan, Zhytomyr city.
Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until 17.08.2018 inclusive.
Additional information can be obtained by a phone +38 (0412) 22-64-72 and in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated 13.08.2018 No. 65.