Zhytomyr Regional Office offers for lease premises in Zhytomyr city and Malyn town

The SPFU’s Regional office in Zhytomyr region is studying the demand for the right to lease state real estate:
- a part of premise of 1.5 sq m in an administrative housing corps of Banknot-Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine at the address: 62 Prykhodka Str., Malyn town;
- building of sanitary-epidemic station of 548.0 sq m, building of garage with storage rooms of 213.8 sq m, 93 Pokrovska Str., Zhytomyr city;
- premise of laundry building of 419.3 sq m at the address: 31 Heroiv Desantnykiv Str., Zhytomyr city.
More information is available in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated 24.01.2018 for No. 8 or on the phone + 38 (0532)22 64 72.
- premise in the club building of 50.1 sq m in Cherniakhivsk district, Holovyne small town, 8 Administrativna Str;
- premises of 95.1 sq m, 32.6 sq m, 187.9 sq m and 10.7 sq m in Zhytomyr city, 18 Montana Str.
More information is available in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated 29.01.2018 for No. 9 or on the phone + 38 (0532)22 64 72.