The State Property Fund is looking for an investor for Kyiv Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise

The company is engaged in economic activity, but is unprofitable and needs to attract investment.
The starting price is UAH 31.3 million. In addition, under the terms of the auction, the new owner will pay the company's debt of UAH 34.4 million. The auction is scheduled for February 29.
The Property complex includes medical and production buildings in Kyiv, as well as prosthetic and orthopedic workshops in Chernihiv and Cherkasy.
The main requirement is to maintain the company's business profile for at least 10 years. Also, the winner of the auction has no right to dismiss employees within six months after the transfer of ownership.
Prosthetics companies are of strategic importance, especially during the war, when there is a growing need to increase production and introduce new technologies.
State-owned enterprises in this industry often fail to compete with private companies. As a result, despite having the capacity and qualified personnel, they become unprofitable. That is why they need a strategic investor to develop.
The Fund has already sent out information about the auction to enterprises engaged in the production of prostheses so that all industry representatives can participate in the auction. Foreign investors working in this sphere are also interested in privatizing the facility.
More information about the auction: