Representatives of the State Property Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) discussed the prospects of large-scale privatization

The team of the State Property Fund of Ukraine held a working meeting with Nataliya Lacorzana, Director of the Natural Resources Sector at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), to discuss the progress of large-scale privatization in Ukraine. The parties explored opportunities for deepening cooperation to ensure the successful conduct of auctions and the attraction of effective investors.

The Fund's representatives presented the top 5 objects, including the Hotel "Ukraine" and enterprises in the titanium industry. Special attention was given to the United Mining and Chemical Company (UMCC) as a strategically important asset for the Ukrainian industry. The online auction has already been announced and will take place on October 9th in the Prozorro.Sale electronic trading system.

The EBRD expressed significant interest in financing such large industrial objects post-privatization. Importantly, to ensure transparency and attract reliable investors, the submission deadline for bids for the UMCC has been extended, allowing potential buyers to conduct comprehensive independent due diligence.

"Ukraine aims to attract foreign investments and accelerate economic reforms," said Oksana Osmachko, Deputy Chair of the SPFU. "The privatization of these strategic objects will help attract effective investors who can modernize enterprises and increase Ukraine's competitiveness in the global market."

For the first time, large-scale privatization will be conducted entirely online through the Prozorro.Sale platform. This ensures equal conditions for all participants and enhances the transparency of the process. Through online auctions, the SPFU expects to attract a wider range of investors and achieve the best results for the Ukrainian economy.

The parties agreed to further cooperation and information exchange to successfully implement the privatization program in Ukraine.

Background Information

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is one of the largest institutional investors in Ukraine. As of July 1, 2024, the EBRD has financed 574 projects in Ukraine with a total value of €19.55 billion. Currently, 10 joint projects with a total value of €2.115 billion are being implemented in the public sector.