Taras Yeleyko at the International Online Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days” spoke about opportunities for business to invest profitably in Ukraine

On September 24, Taras Yeleyko, Deputy Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, took part in a panel discussion entitled “Polish-Ukrainian Financial Instruments and Business Solutions: How to Find Synergies” at the XII International Online Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days”.

The goal of the event was to inform business representatives about effective investment opportunities and tools to increase competitiveness.

The Deputy Head of the State Property Fund presented to the Forum participants the unique investment opportunities of Ukraine as a country that is one of the few in Europe where the primary market of state assets remains.

During his speech, he stressed that the important task of the Fund is to assist both domestic and foreign businesses in selecting assets for profitable investments through privatization, in an easy and clear procedure.

“Today in Ukraine there is an unprecedented political willpower to conduct transparent and open privatization, when objects are sold at open auctions according to the same rules for all, through online sales systems, with all open information. The Fund has created convenient tools for attracting investments that help investors get all the information about privatization objects. This is the website www.privatization.gov.ua, which works on the principle of an online store, and virtual data rooms, which are repositories of primary documents about the objects,”- said Taras Yeleyko, Deputy Head of the State Property Fund.

Taras Yeleyko also informed the Forum participants about the unique opportunity for potential investors to enter in the demonopolized Ukrainian market of spirit production through the privatization of SOE “Ukrspyrt” and Concern “Ukrspyrt”.