The State Property Fund takes a consistent position of maximum assistance to law enforcement agencies in combating corruption

On April 28, 2021, the State Property Fund launched a comprehensive inspection of the Cherkasy Oblast Office after obtaining information on the pre-trial investigation by the Cherkasy Oblast Prosecutor's Office as part of criminal proceedings against officials of the Cherkasy Oblast.

The State Property Fund is committed to cleansing the system of corruption and will provide all necessary support to law enforcement agencies to objectively investigate all circumstances and establish the truth.

The principles of openness and transparency introduced by the team of the State Property Fund reject any possibility of tolerating corruption and make it impossible to cover up criminals, the establishment of which belongs only to the jurisdiction of the court. Therefore, the Fund, maximally assisting law enforcement officers at the stage of investigation, will make appropriate decisions within the current legislation, based solely on the conclusions of the court.

Currently, the duties of the head of the Cherkasy department will be performed by the deputy head of the department Oleksandr Kiva.