Serhii Ihnatovskyi: The mechanisms of investment protection are created in close cooperation of all branches of Government, including legislative and judicial ones

“The mechanisms of investment protection are created in close cooperation of all branches of government, including legislative and judicialones”,- the Deputy Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Serhii Ihnatovskyi saidduring participation online at the Round Rable “Quarantine corporate raiding. How to protect business” organized by IA “Liga: Zakon” and dedicated to discussion of business security under quarantine, the ability of timely response to the Government authorities’ emergency programand the challenges.

According to Serhii Ihnatovskyi, who supervisesthe direction of corporate governance at the State Property Fund of Ukraine, today not only the private sector of economy is at risk of corporate raiding but also the public sectoris.

He noted that the law enforcement system, legislators and the entire legal community together carried out a great deal of work to counteract corporate raiding. At the same time, in practice, it is identified weaknesses in new conditions, and therefore this work should be continued by consolidating the efforts of all responsible bodies.

"Speaking about the large-scale privatization, one of the important tasks on the way to its success is the coordinated work of all branches of government, including legislative and judicialones. Interaction of public authorities should be clear, absolute and concrete. We all together have to ensurethe unconditional owner’s and shareholder’s right to manage its assets. This is the key to guaranteeing reliability of moneyinvestments, and, consequently, the matter of successful attraction of serious investments, "– Serhii Ihnatovskyi explained.

According to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, during the first week of the quarantine it is occurred more cases of corporate looting than during 4 months of the last year.

Therefore, according to Serhii Ihnatovskyi, to create acomfortable investment climatethe State must guarantee compliance with the concluded sale contracts regardless of the objects’ scale.

"The contractsmust be carried out by both parties, and the third parties that control this process are obliged to behave correctly without causing losses to the participants of investment processes. In this waythe State will provide clear and effective tools of owner’s rights realization", - the Deputy Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Serhii Ihnatovskyi summed up.